Monday, January 17, 2011

Christmas in January!

As I mentioned in my New Years Resolution:

New card x 5 to put in my stash (10 months in a row)...November rolls around...I'm all ready to mail cards...something I have NOT done now for going on 4-5 years....oh...and post on the THIRD Monday of each month, up to November...

YIKES! The only work I had to do on these were to move them from one storage container into another. I feel I failed somewhat my resolution!! haha...but...I will have February's card ready probably in a day or need to burn the candle at both ends in February! Drats these all unfinished projects! If not for them...I'd be posting new pictures like crazy. I think that was Resolution #3 or #4...get caught up with unfinished projects! I'm so ready to start something new for a change!

Anyhow, here is my first card to share for this Christmas Card goal of mine I have set....Card #1!!! Hope the lighting in my photo spot did justice for the sparklies! If it didn't ... trust me ... you might need sunglasses to wear this one....lots of GLITTER and STICKLES!


p.s. My grammar and writing style has been a little lazy (proof reading and I'm more like rambling)....I've just been multi-tasking...and rather than edit, edit and rewrite and edit...I'm publishing! You get the jest of the real world...I'm not that lazy with my publishing and writing...I just know...if I sit on things...I'll never better to push the publish post button then not at all! (this is very hard for me to's so not like me...I'm trying to ... relax a little, and I guess write like I talk?!" not sure...bye!


  1. Trudi, I love these! What a great image!! Beautifully done- as always!

  2. Love this card Trudi. So pretty.
