Sunday, January 1, 2012


I think I found the challenge that suits ME!!!!! Finally, something that has me thinking...I really want to do this...stay tuned over the next few days....and...I'm taking my sweet daughter shopping to use her gift cards from birthday and Christmas.....will just have to stop off at a craft store on the way home!!! :) Up late tonight? Maybe!!! I feel back to par...slept through the ball dropping fighting a terrible cold...but 3 hot bubble baths later and leftover Chinese food...I feel great!~

Oh and Happy New Years to all!!!! Stand by for my New Years "post"...I failed on last years craft rethinking of what might be "attainable" for 2012!!!


1 comment:

  1. I already see I'm doing mine differently than all the rest! I should have "read"!!! Oh well...I'll start my "own". Trudi
