Anyhow, while rummaging through my craft studio...I came across this looks rather "autumny" and thought I'd share. This was made in my pre-sewing machine stitching days, I see the faux cross stitches....also...early button days too...these are way too geometrical for current style is to slant them somehow...I am consistent with the odd number rule though...3 buttons are better than 2, much more pleasing on me eyes! Oh dear...the card I just finished only had TWO! YIKES! Well, it did have 3 "elements"...that will have to do!~
Come back in about 3-4 days, and I will have that puppy promised, I want the recipients to see first! I'm thinking some of those recipients pop on here once in awhile, you know who you are! LOL!
In the is a PARTY MOOSE....something which I want to be doing in about 45 minutes...after I tidy up my desk to make my coming in to work over the weekend...a little easier! ha! I guess it's better than no business!
Trudi, you talkin' about me?
Nance in Reno