Well, I finally finished. It's called losing my inspiration and then finally finding it! I started these about 6 months ago, the BBTB2 team had a window card challenge...and I *thought* I could manage that in a week! Ha! I think that was last SEPTEMBER OR AUGUST! So, lookie here, it's all done...and my sister says...."THAT'S NOT A WINDOW!!! IT'S A DOOR!" Then...my sweet daughter reaffirmed that (gosh, she is so like her auntie, it's scary!)
In my mind, it's a WINDOW....and in my mind the lanterns were going to be hung on the front...more tedious labor for me...I just couldn't make that happen! After 6 months of deliberation, I let that idea go...and ran with whatever popped into my head first! I have to admit, the fan, never was an idea...but I thought it was a little fun thing in the end.
Next creation....is going to be EASY! If that is even possible for me. I tend to take my sweet time!
I think I'll grab some beachy type thing and run with it...I am so looking forward to this summer! My daughter started playing beach volleyball last summer, and I don't know who is more smitten by it...me or her! :)